Energy Solution will support the city in energy development. Complicated procedures will become simple with our support.
Energy Solution will support the city in energy development. Complicated procedures will become simple with our support.
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city's support in energy development
1. We are specialists in shaping the City’s energy, climate protection and low-carbon development policies and strategies in accordance with the principle of sustainable development. We develop, update and integrate strategic documents and plans for energy and climate management.
2. We provide opinions on the activities set out in the strategic plans for energy and climate change adaptation.
3. We initiate energy-saving measures in the public sector. Our tasks include:
4. We protect the climate by acting in the field of achieving climate neutrality for public buildings, coordinating the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, heating sources and RES installations.
5. We identify public buildings managed by the Municipality for energy efficiency improvements, installation of RES installations and other measures that will make them climate neutral.
6. We shall create a municipal information system with data on energy consumption in the Municipality, and manage and update it on a regular basis.
7. We oversee energy policy in the City area.
8. We organize and monitor the process of selecting entities to provide various types of services (consulting, supervision) and selecting energy efficiency projects (including in construction, transportation, industry, tourism, commerce) and the use of renewable energy sources to be implemented in the City.
9. We give our opinion on energy audits and energy parts included in grant applications for city investments.
10. We initiate modernization measures for existing street lighting and indoor lighting.
11. We give our opinion on the solutions to be included in the local spatial development plans for the supply of heat, electricity and gaseous fuels.
Energy strategy is not just about buying utilities – especially buying electricity or gas. With our professionalism and years of experience, as part of our strategy:
Our goal is to create a long-term media management policy by tailoring it to your needs: